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save and switch xfce (and other) themes

switching gtk themes is easy enough, but what about your window manager theme? fonts? icon set? cursor?! when you’re given the ability to customize so much it can be easy to get lost. thankfully, xfce has a wealth of commands related to setting the theme that make it possible to save a theme and load it at any time.

this can help with using light/dark themes interchangeably, distinguish between work/school time and personal time on the same computer, etc… (honestly, it reminds me a lot of having different wallpapers for different focus modes on ios)

this script allows you to change the theme manually with a simple command and argument. just put the script in your bash path and name it ‘theme’ or something similar, then enter ‘theme theme-name’. it can also be tweaked to be automated. for an example of a time-based theme switcher, see here.

it works by having a function to change various desktop environment settings, then other functions for each theme to set the variables that are fed into that function. it includes a lot of options because i’m picky and wanted to provide robust examples; and xfce offers even more options than the ones i’m using, but this could be as simple as setting a gtk theme and wallpaper. after the example are basic pointers for how to find the commands for the settings you want to save.

#! /bin/bash

set-theme () {

   xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitorDVI-I-1/workspace0/last-image -s "$wallpaper1"
   xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitorHDMI-0/workspace0/last-image -s "$wallpaper2"
   xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -s "$icons"
   xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s "$gtk"
   xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -s "$xfwm"
   xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/title_font -s "$windowtitlefont"
   xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/FontName -s "$systemfont"
   xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/MonospaceFontName -s "$monofont"
   sed -i "/FontName/c\FontName=$terminalfont" $HOME/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc
   sed -i "/ColorForeground/c\ColorForeground=$terminalfontcolor" $HOME/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc
   sed -i "/ColorCursor/c\ColorCursor=$terminalfontcolor" $HOME/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc
   sed -i "/ColorBackground/c\ColorBackground=$terminalbg" $HOME/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc
   xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/panel-1/background-rgba -t double -s $red -t double -s $green -t double -s $blue -t double -s $alpha
   xfconf-query --channel xfce4-panel --property /panels/dark-mode --set "$panellightdark"
   gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme "$gnomelightdark"
   xfconf-query -c xfce4-notifyd -p /theme -s $notifications
   xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/CursorThemeName -s $cursor
   sed -i "/@theme/c\@theme \"$rofi\"" $HOME/.config/rofi/config.rasi


oomox-gruvbox () {

   windowtitlefont="Input Sans Condensed, Condensed 8"
   systemfont="Input Sans Condensed, Condensed 10"
   monofont="iA Writer Mono S Regular 10"
   terminalfont="iA Writer Mono S Regular 11"
   panellightdark="true" # dark mode true
   red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000" alpha="0.000000" #panel solid color - transparent

oomox-gray-light () {

   windowtitlefont="Input Sans Condensed, Condensed 8"
   systemfont="Input Sans Condensed, Condensed 10"
   monofont="iA Writer Mono S Regular 10"
   terminalfont="iA Writer Mono S Regular 11"
   panellightdark="false" # dark mode false
   red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000" alpha="0.000000" #panel solid color - transparent

nashville96-gruvbox () {

   windowtitlefont="Tahoma Regular 8"
   systemfont="Tahoma Regular 10"
   monofont="Terminus (TTF) 14"
   terminalfont="Terminus (TTF) 14"
   panellightdark="true" # dark mode true
   red="0.166667" green="0.166667" blue="0.166667" alpha="1.000000" #panel solid color - #282828

if [ "$#" -lt 1 ] # no argument
    echo "possible arguments: 'list', 'shuffle', or theme name"

elif [ "$1" == "list" ]; then
    echo "list of available themes:"
    echo "oomox-gruvbox"
    echo "oomox-gray-light"
    echo "nashville96-gruvbox"

elif [ "$1" == "shuffle" ]; then # probably won't work well unless you have a lot of themes
    $(shuf -e oomox-gruvbox oomox-gray-light nashville96-gruvbox | head -1)

elif [ "$1" == "oomox-gruvbox" ]; then

elif [ "$1" == "oomox-gray-light" ]; then

elif [ "$1" == "nashville96-gruvbox" ]; then

else # invalid arguments
    echo "possible arguments: 'list', 'shuffle', or theme name"


saving theme elements

you can find the name for things in the Settings Editor app.

alternatively you can use the command line. this command watches the desktop environment for changes. basically, leave it running in a terminal as you change things via gui and it will tell you what certain settings are called (but not what you’re changing them to, for that look again in Settings Editor).

xfconf-query --channel xfce4-desktop --monitor

then change the wallpaper (to anything, we’re not committing yet) via the GUI. the terminal will output something like:

set: /backdrop/screen0/monitoreDP-1/workspace0/last-image

exclude set: and paste that after -p. then pick the wallpaper you want and paste its file path after -s.

xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitoreDP-1/workspace0/last-image -s /home/athena/Pictures/wallpaper/tumblr_771e305667d404e897917187d86a6f52_1eae66d3_2048.jpg**

commands for changing settings look like this (all of the – flags can be abbreviated to just a dash and their first letter, like -c):

xfconf-query --channel xfce4-desktop --property /backdrop/screen0/monitorDVI-I-1/workspace0/last-image --set "/home/athena/Pictures/wallpaper/macos-wp11070508-imac-4k-wallpapers_3 (copy 1).png"

gtk theme

set via gui in the Appearance app. they’re stored in ~/.themes or usr/share/themes.

xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s "ChromeOS-Dark-UltraViolet"

xfwm window manager theme

set via gui in the Window Manager app. they’re also stored in ~/.themes or usr/share/themes (xfwm and gtk use different subdictories in a theme directory).

xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -s "ChromeOS-Dark-UltraViolet"

window title font: xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/title_font -s "Input Sans Condensed, Condensed 8"

xfdesktop wallpaper

you can set the wallpaper by right clicking on the desktop or otherwise launching the Desktop app. some photo viewers and file managers also have the ability to set the xfce desktop wallpaper. wallpapers are stored wherever you decide to keep them or in usr/share/backgrounds and usr/share/wallpapers.

icon set

set via gui with the Appearance app. they’re stored in ~/.icons or /usr/share/icons.

xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -s "Solarized-Material-Violet"

xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -s "Papirus-Dark-Grey"

cursor theme

you can change the cursor theme via the Mouse and Touchpad gui app. they’re stored in …????? … xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/CursorThemeName -s Simp1e-Gruvbox-Dark


xfce panel

to find panel IDs: xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels

list possible settings: xfconf-query --channel 'xfce4-panel' --list | grep panel-1 or xfconf-query --channel 'xfce4-panel' --property '/panels/panel-1' --list

list current settings: xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/panel-1 -lv

set something: xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/panel-1/autohide -s true

xfconf-query --channel xfce4-panel --property /panels/dark-mode --set true

set panel color to solid gray (find rgba values in settings editor): xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/panel-1/background-rgba -t double -s 0.166667 -t double -s 0.166667 -t double -s 0.166667 -t double -s 1.000000

system fonts

they can be installed by clicking on them or by moving them to where they’re meant to be stored: ~/.fonts, /usr/share/fonts

xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/FontName -s "Input Sans Condensed, Condensed 10" xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/MonospaceFontName -s "Terminus (TTF) 12"

xfce notifyd

you can see what themes you have available for notifyd in the Notfications app. usually gtk themes don’t support it but it comes with a few different defaults. they’re stored in the same place as gtk and xfwm themes.

xfconf-query --channel 'xfce4-notifyd' --list

xfconf-query --channel 'xfce4-notifyd' --monitor

xfconf-query -c xfce4-notifyd -p /theme -s "ChromeOS-Dark-UltraViolet"


the terminal preferences are stored in ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc. you should probably make a backup before using this script just in case, since it finds and replaces text within the config file.

terminal theme presets are .theme files and can be found in '/home/athena/.config/xfce4/terminal/colorschemes' (make it if you don’t have one). they’re relatively easy to make if you have a template, and it’s also easy to create one via gui preferences and then copy it to text. (or this)

you can use sed -i to search and replace lines containing a string in a text file. in this case, the xfce terminal config. you can use this same method for anything that has a text-based config (which is most things…), for example the application launcher rofi which i use instead of the default xfce/mint menus/launchers.

sed -i '/FontName/c\FontName=Terminus (TTF) 11' $HOME/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc

sed -i '/@theme/c\@theme /home/athena/.local/share/rofi/themes/rounded-nord-dark.rasi' /home/athena/.config/rofi/config.rasi

sed -i '/@theme/c\@theme "/home/athena/.local/share/rofi/themes/rounded-gruvbox-mine.rasi"' /home/athena/.config/rofi/config.rasi

settings relating to appearance/theme:

ColorForeground= (font color)
ColorBackground= (bg color)
ColorCursor= ColorPalette=

non-xfce elements

if you use any gnome apps, you’ll probably want this: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme 'prefer-dark'

sct changes the screen color tempurature for the user only, the computer still sees normal colors. pick a number between 6500 (default, blueish) and 1000 (red). (it also goes up to 10000 but why would you want to make it bluer)