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my bash aliases

trashout: empties the trash for all connected drives (as opposed to ~/.local/trash which is only the main drive) and clears parts of the cache at the same time. in my experience this is magnitudes faster than using thunar/xfdesktop to empty the trash.

alias trashout='rm -rfv ~/.thumbnails/* ~/.cache/thumbnails/* ~/.cache/qimgv/thumbnails/* ~/.cache/ranger/* ~/.cache/vlc/art/* && gio trash --empty'

dailies: open all "daily" tasks in a new browser window. (obviously because of the exit, it's meant to be used only in a freshly opened terminal)

alias dailies='firefox -newtab -url (email url) -newtab -url (discord url) -newtab -url (rss reader url) new-tab -url (social media url) -newtab -url (etc...) && exit'

list-scripts: finds and previews all my self-made scripts and adds the selected one to the clipboard. perfect for when you have 8 billion scripts that all do slight variations of the same thing so you don't remember what any of them are called

alias list-scripts='find $HOME/Applications -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '*.AppImage' ! -name '*.txt' ! -name '*.html' -printf "%f\n" | sort -r | fzf --height=95% --preview="bat --theme=ansi --wrap=character --terminal-width 45 --color=always --style="plain" $HOME/Applications/{}" | xclip -selection clipboard'

everywhere: fuzzy find a directory and open in graphical file manager.

alias everywhere='thunar "$(find . -type d | fzf --height=90% --preview="tree -i --sort name {}")" && exit'

everything: similar to above, but opens single file with the default application.

alias everything='xdg-open "$(find . | fzf --height=90% --preview="bat --theme=ansi --wrap=character --terminal-width 57 --color=always --style="plain" {}")" && exit'